仙游 之旅正式拉开了帷幕,不得不说在这样的仙境里自驾,驾驶的愉悦远远大于乘坐的欢乐,一路上的山、水、书、花、雾,所有的一切生动地勾画出一幅永远都不会重样的世外仙境。
已经忘却了时间,行驶到仙女镇的时候已经是接近中午的时间了,一路上的美景都把我们看饱了,以至于都 忽略了肚子的正常反应,安顿好住处——
依云 度假酒店,据说是当时变形金刚4的摄制组居住地,随后就去解决吃的问题了。当地人开的一家特色饭店,不得不说,这才是真正的舌尖上
到了 重庆 才发现,哪怕是县级甚至村级的景点都会是五颗星,厉害啦!下午的行程就是国家五星级景点——仙女山。海拔2033米,拥有森林33万亩,天然草原10万亩,以其 江南 独具魅力的高山草原,南国罕见的林海雪原,青幽秀美的丛林碧野景观,被誉为“南国第一牧原”和“东方 瑞士 ”,其旖旎美艳的森林草原风光独树一帜。
二、印象· 武隆
县 桃园 大峡谷,距仙女山镇约9公里。峡谷呈“U”形,高低落差180米,远山神秘、近山雄奇,沟壑清幽。选址不仅保护了生态,也为演出提供绝佳的表现空间。舞台延伸至看台,看台又融入舞台,演员与观众零距离接触,在幽静的山谷里重新唱响久违的“号子”。
俺跟儿子都是变形金刚铁粉,儿子喜欢擎 天柱 ,俺喜欢大黄蜂,而
PS: 天坑乃电影《 满城 尽带黄金甲》和《变形金刚4》的取景地点。
In the pit courtyard of Tianlong Bridge of Tiansheng Sanqiao, there are antique courtyards with green tiles and gray walls. The lanterns hanging in front of the courtyards have the four words “Tianfu Guanyi” written on them. The post was built in the second year of Tang Wude (AD 619). It was located at the strategic point between “Zhuantianpu” and “Bingguopu”. It was an important post for the official information transmission of Fuzhou and Qianzhou in ancient times. It was later destroyed in the war. . The building is located at
Tiankeng, at the lower end of Qinglong Bridge of Tiansheng Third Bridge, there is a valley road at the bottom of the pit, about 5 meters wide, which resembles an ancient post road and can pass wooden carts and horses. The house is located next to the road, and its roof is shrouded by the abyss of Tianlong Bridge. Surrounded by rugged rocks and green shrubs, there is a dark and desolate atmosphere.
After pushing the door and entering the courtyard, you can see that all the buildings in the courtyard are wooden structures with a simple and elegant style. In addition to the main entrance, which has a facing door, each of the wing rooms has small green tile roofs with winged cornices, glazed tiles, as well as exquisite carved beams and wooden walls. In the corner of the courtyard, there is also a wooden horse-drawn sedan specially used by ancient officials to go out.
Judging from the existing historical data, Tianfuguanyi was built in the second year of Wude in the Tang Dynasty (AD 619) and is located between “Zhuantianpu” and “Bingguopu”. Historically, this was an important posthouse for official information transmission in ancient Fuzhou and Qianzhou, but unfortunately it was later destroyed in the war.
The next thing to appear is the transformation-golden one! Feel the majesty and domineering power of the mechanical warrior up close!
The water in the tiankeng also adds a bit of spirituality to it. The natural landscape here quietly protects the souls of the people of Sichuan and River.
- Furong Cave
Furong Cave Libie Dongtian was deeply attracted and impressed by the magic of the tiankeng, and we stayed here for a long time, so that we only had lunch at 4 pm, and it was still that charming and spicy! Ticket sales at Furong Cave Scenic Area stop at 5 p.m., so there are only two words left along the way - flying!
We were lucky enough to be the last group of tourists that day, and we would like to thank the local guide for his drive and our driving skills, haha.
Furong Cave is a karst world natural heritage site and the only cave in the world that is listed as a world natural heritage site. It is also known as one of the “three major caves in the world”. The huge cave body and rich cave sediments of Furong Cave have not only conquered cave experts from all over the world, but are also favored by many tourists.
There are many types of chemical sediments, from macro to micro, from carbonates to sulfates, including the sedimentary characteristics of nearly 30 types in various caves around the world. The palm-shaped stalagmites that are as smooth as jade, the curly stones and stone flowers that are as bright as stars, etc. are rare in China due to their large number, beautiful shape, clean texture, and wide distribution. The red coral and canine-shaped calcite crystals in the water purification basin are even more precious. A large number of secondary chemical sedimentation forms form 10 dazzling landscapes.
I have to admire classmate Lao Zhao’s arrangement. Twenty-seven meals in nine days did not include the same thing. Thank you for your trouble! Tonight’s roasted whole lamb and roasted chicken are perfect match
Miracle deliciousness.
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